Last week Dakota came home from Awana Cubbies with such joy and excitement. She ran in to show me she earned 2 more patches for her vest. She asked me if I could put them on right away. Of course I did and asked her if she wanted me to take a pic. She was so proud! It's so awesome our church offers the Awana program which stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed which is taken from 2 Timothy 2:15. Dakota learns, memorizes and recites scripture to her Cubbies teacher. She's rewarded with these patches. We're so proud of her!

Okay so tell me if I have OCD or not?...okay n/m I already know I do! This picture just shows I might alreay be passing it down to my 20 mo. old. Sawyer now refuses to sit in her highchair. She has to be a big girl and sit at the table with sister. Every morning she has cereal with her sister. She tends to spill her milk everytime too. Well I've been noticing she asks me for a napkin everytime. She uses it to wipe her mouth and the spilled milk from her bowl. I think of this as a good thing but now she'll walk around with her napkin or a wipie and clean everything from the tile floors to her play kitchen. Oh well I guess it's just less for me to clean right!?!
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