Last month was full of fun and exciting events. First off Dakota went on her first date...with her daddy. Ramon took her to the Father/Daughter Valentine's dance. She looked beautiful and had a blast. Ramon said they danced all night. I'm so glad they did this together. Now we can look forward to it every year. Soon Sawyer will get to join.
Next, though Ramon committed his life to Christ 12 years ago, he was recently baptized at our church. We're so proud of him!
What would February be without the Amgen tour coming through town. Ramon got to follow the riders for 4 days. He went up to Oakhurst, home and around Cambria. Dakota's class got to watch them ride by their school. "Soy" and I caught a glimpse of it down the street from home. What fun!
Ramon finished coaching youth boys basketball. My brother in law started the B3 Elite basketball league and Ramon signed on to coach. He had a great time. His team lost every game but their last one. The boys were never down and were so excited when they won their last game...it was priceless! So many parents couldn't believe Ramon was out there coaching when he didn't have any boys himself. Mommy, DK and Soy were out there every Sat. to cheer the "Blue Devils" on!
And last, we can't leave out Sawyer. She continues to entertain us. She's always at mommy's side and trying to keep up with sister.
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