Our kickoff to summer has been a great one! While getting ready for our annual trip to Coronado our pool was completed. We couldn't be happier with the outcome. The girls have been able to enjoy it almost everyday since. Thank you Genesis Pools Inc.

Coronado, here we come!
Here we are crossing the Coronado bridge. The girls say it's like a roller coaster :)
Boogie Boarding and hanging out with dad at the beach
Soy & Uncle "AB" sharing their birthdays together. I can't believe our little Soy Soy is 3!
The girls got to help T-Tam give Reecerboy a bath. Oh how we love that little guy and all of our little blessings!
Coronado Parade...such fun to see the floats every year.
We can't forget Tia's birthday. Love ya Tia!!!
Fourth of July firework fun! We had views of three different firework shows from our hotel.

Corvette Diner... a must with the kids. It took no pushing from us, the girls just got up there on their own and danced with the waitresses. So much fun!
Thank you Uncle AB and T-Tam for hosting another fun-filled Fourth of July vacation. Can't wait 'til next year.
we had so much fun and can't wait to do it again next year! love you!