Wow, what can I say. The last 3 weeks have been a say the least. We moved into our house 2 days before Christmas. Didn't give it a whole lot of thought, just wanted to be in before Christmas so the girls could wake up in their new home that morning. It was a wonderful gift!
Dakota had her Christmas performance for tap class. Paityn performed too. So fun to watch. Can't wait 'til next year when Soy can join the fun! I'm glad DK was able to do this considering she was sick for her preschool Christmas program.

AB and T-Tam were here for the holidays along with my aunts, uncle and most of my cousins. It was so nice to have everyone in town. We celebrated Christmas Eve in Lemoore with my in-laws and carried on all the same traditions. Some of those include a gift exchange where someone ends up with this decorative light up lawn cow :) And we can't forget decorating gingerbread houses.
Look at all our men...aren't they so cute!?!

Another great tradition was all the young grand-daughters and great grand-daughters opening their pajamas from Grandpa.

Which brings me to Frank Albert, my grandpa. He passed away and left us December 31st. We're deeply saddened. I know though that God has a plan. He gave us Christmas with him. He was surrounded by all of his family. For those of you that don't know, this is my mom's dad. He lived in town. I'll miss my occassional stops when I'd bring the girls by to visit him. He'd always make sure they got cookies from his cookie jar. I'll even miss him getting uptight over the fact that the girls would play with his 50 cent stuffed cat doll he got at a garage sale. I'll miss talking politics with him, when we'd agree to disagree. I'll miss asking to borrow his furniture dollies and telling him I'd get them out of the shed and then showing up and they'd be all ready for me on his porch. I'll miss watching him fall asleep on the couch and then him waking and saying he wasn't falling asleep. I'll miss taking the girls over to swim while he'd sit and watch from the patio and then bring them out popsicles. I'll miss when he's grumpy and getting him to laugh or smile. All these things I will miss! But I know he is in a better place. Thank you to all our friends and family for your love and support!

That brought tears to my eyes! Loved your grandpa (and your grandma, too for that matter). What a blessing it was for you guys to live in the same town!
ReplyDeleteHope to see you guys soon!