Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Busy, Fun July!
Boogie Boarding and hanging out with dad at the beach
Soy & Uncle "AB" sharing their birthdays together. I can't believe our little Soy Soy is 3!
The girls got to help T-Tam give Reecerboy a bath. Oh how we love that little guy and all of our little blessings!
Coronado Parade...such fun to see the floats every year.
We can't forget Tia's birthday. Love ya Tia!!!
Fourth of July firework fun! We had views of three different firework shows from our hotel.

Corvette Diner... a must with the kids. It took no pushing from us, the girls just got up there on their own and danced with the waitresses. So much fun!
Monday, June 14, 2010
I'm ready for my closeup Mr. Demille

Good Days, Sunshine!
Memorial Day Weekend Accomplishment!
She did it! DK learned how to ride a bike w/o training wheels while we were at Sam and T's for the holiday. The girls came running telling us that P just taught DK how to ride her bike. It was the perfect bike, just small enough to put their feet on the ground. So when we got home she gave it a go on her bigger bike and she took to it right away. She cracks us up now as she whips around the corners.