So I'm sitting here Sunday afternoon while Sawyer naps. Ramon and Dakota left Saturday to go camping up at Edison with some friends from work. I opted out. Thought it would be nice for Daddy and "D" to have some father/daughter bonding. Dakota kept telling everyone, "I get to go camping...just daddy and me".
Thursday Sawyer had her 2 year appointment. She got a shot and didn't even make a sound. While we were there I had the Ped. check a bump on Dakota. After a quick look and exam she told me Dakota has a hernia and will need to have it repaired. I was like, "are you kidding me!?!" I was still stressed and anxious over the fact that we were going the next day to Valley Children's to hear the results of Dakota's vesicoureteral reflux. So Friday came and after a long wait we found out she has outgrown the reflux. We were so relieved!
Then there's the whole house buying/selling situation. Talk about STRESS! We're in the process of selling our home. It's in escrow and we have to be out in 45 days. So I'm waiting to hear back on a little place we're going to rent 'til our house is done being built and ready to move into. My days have been filled with appointments, filling out paperwork, inspectors, appraisers, etc. So I'll be glad when all of this is over. Don't get me wrong, I'll definitely miss our little's just that opportunity presented itself at an unlikely or unexpected time. We knew we were going to take this step at sometime, its just that actually doing it is a little scary. I'm realizing I haven't even gotten emotional about it but I think that's because I've been so occupied with everything else. We have so many memories here.
I have a feeling that the rest of 2009 will go by very quickly for us!
9 years ago